Resell her gifts
I do not normally sell a gift . I am against this idea. A gift is a gift, it is careful! The sale is an insult to the person who offered ... A view shared by retailers themselves. One third of them acknowledge that they would feel hurt if someone was selling online a gift from them.

items posted on the night of Christmas Eve: the finding of eBay and other shopping sites on the Internet. Unwanted or useless gifts barely out of the hood pass on the canvas to change hand ... fee. Top three of these offerings "reoriented": books, DVDs and video games.
Not present three years ago, the phenomenon is spreading since 2008. More than 4 million Internet users have made gifts online in 2009. The increase announced at Christmas 2010 by retail sites would be around 30%.
A crisis phenomenon
hard to identify the real motivation of sellers: according to a Sofres poll, they rather enjoy a good social situation. Yet six in 10 say they sell their gifts not to buy others, but to cover costs of necessities. "People sell because they need money," said Eric Astorga, Director of Easy Cash in Lescar.
"I think almost 15 000 people, that is to say 10% of the population of the town of Pau, just sell items to shops cash (1). The post-Christmas period is not greatest. In the fall, to pay taxes on income and taxes, as most people separate their property. The value of the objects can range from 3 to 1 800 euros and all segments of the population are affected. "As far
Cash 31, the post-Christmas, but not the best, is one of the highlights of the year:" We record an increase of one third of items for sale and more between Christmas and January 15, but it's a classic flow and there is no dramatic increase to date, "said Arnaud Larousse.
"I can understand the financial situation forces them to sell some their gifts, "says a mother Pau accompanied by her two daughters ... while adding: "Personally, when a gift does not suit me, I keep it anyway, or I réoffre to someone who will be pleased. "Even
tolerance from a passing forties from Dax:" It absolutely does not shock me that we resell what we do not need. I understand very well. For, and the argument is recurrent, a gift indeed belongs to him who receives it. Thus free him to use it at will.
As much as a gift means something ... rather than nothing The more honest would be to change the gift against another, very simply by asking the person who offered the receipt.
If you are looking for an original gift idea you can find what you are looking for.
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