Hydro-Quebec, in spite of herself, started a new trend in governance by spreading its investments in donations and sponsorships. My experience suggests to me that this is a matter of time before other societies summers Government Agencies are subject to the same requirements.
That said, what can we or should we do now that this good intention does not turn into a boomerang the faces of all the professionals of the sponsorship in Quebec? In a word: Educate. Both taxpayers, politicians and journalists.
1 - Distinguish donations and sponsorships
This episode of voluntary disclosure is for me to put the ax in the traditional way of consider these two disciplines that have less in common than it seems. Unlike donations, sponsorship follows a logical business and focuses communication objectives. In the case of Hydro-Quebec position of pseudo-monopoly lets forget that it must negotiate and compete with natural gas and oil. In this regard, it should not be surprising but welcome the involvement (even minimal) Hydro-Quebec in some sponsorship in Vermont.
2 - Distinguish between advertising and sponsorship
Few journalists' questions on advertising spending of state companies . They realize that this activity is part of business strategies organizations and is essential for the proper functioning and even survival of enterprises. We must now explain (and tenors industry sponsorship will be involved) that this discipline is to foster reconciliation and build relationships between brands (which are Crown corporations) and consumers.
3 - Puts the amounts
The Hydro is investing $ 20 million in donations and sponsorship appears to be a huge amount for the workers that will only become a fraction of that amount during his life. However, investment in sponsorship is only 1% of net profit organization (you read correctly, this is not 1% of turnover). On the other side of the coin, the $ 25,000 investment in a sponsorship Hydro data can mean the difference between survival and closure to the event sponsor.
4 - Remember that state companies are also commercial entities
Certainly, they have positions advantageous market. That said, this is rarely pure monopolies because there are always possibilities of substitution of their services, be it natural gas for Hydro-Quebec, the online poker for Loto-Québec or beer for the SAQ. Their privileged position gives them a role as well as trade social responsibilities and cultural as well as all the major companies here.
5 - Selling the merits of sponsorship to the general public
This last item is probably the most important (and easier to understand sir-all-the-world). The myriad of free activities made possible through the sponsorship helps to entertain Quebec, improve social cohesion, to perpetuate and develop our culture, Québec advantageously positioned to face international tourists; brief to increase pride among residents.
4 - Remember that state companies are also commercial entities
Certainly, they have positions advantageous market. That said, this is rarely pure monopolies because there are always possibilities of substitution of their services, be it natural gas for Hydro-Quebec, the online poker for Loto-Québec or beer for the SAQ. Their privileged position gives them a role as well as trade social responsibilities and cultural as well as all the major companies here.
5 - Selling the merits of sponsorship to the general public
This last item is probably the most important (and easier to understand sir-all-the-world). The myriad of free activities made possible through the sponsorship helps to entertain Quebec, improve social cohesion, to perpetuate and develop our culture, Québec advantageously positioned to face international tourists; brief to increase pride among residents.
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