October 2010
116 Rue de Charenton 75012 Paris - France
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116 Rue de Charenton 75012 Paris - France
Tel. / Fax (331) 43 65 32 97
Two outstanding women we have left. We deeply regret the loss of these great ladies:
Ms. Mohtaram Ije'i Kouchali , called "Mother Kouchali ", carried by a heart attack at age 86 in late September.
Mother courageous and fierce enemy of the mullahs who performed four of his son and his beautiful daughter.
Symbol of a generation of women work alongside their children in the resistance, she was always smiling and present in all activities of the opposition.
They had come many from across Europe on September 26, to pay their last tribute to the tireless resistance, which has managed to teach several generations the refusal of any compromise with the mullahs and perseverance in the fight against religious fascism.
Ms. Ashraf Al-Sadat Morteza , called " Marzieh", the diva of Iranian music died October 13 to 86 years in Paris.
She was buried Oct. 18 in the cemetery of Auvers-sur-Oise, in the presence of many members of the Iranian Resistance and hundreds of people ...
Marzieh began his career in 1942 in Tehran . It was a great success over the years 60 and 70 where she had his own daily show on radio. She interpreted the traditional Iranian music and modern songs.
stress in silence after the Islamic revolution in 1979, she left Iran in 1994, announcing his engagement with the People's Mujahedeen, the main component of the NCRI.
Marzieh, who sang before the Queen of England Elizabeth II and French President General Charles de Gaulle and U.S. President Richard Nixon was still performed in concert in Paris in April 2006.
The oil giants are leaving Iran
Le Monde, 1 October
Four oil giants have decided to comply with new sanctions against Iran and to cease all activities with that country. French Total, Anglo-Dutch Shell, Norway's Statoil and Italy's Eni has vowed to "liquidate their investments" and renounce "any new activity in the energy sector in Iran," said James Steinberg The U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, hailing "a major setback for Iran." Japanese media have also claimed that the Japanese oil company Inpex would withdraw from the largest oil field Iran ...
Award amputation
CSDHI, October 2
The judicial authorities of the city of Qazvin (western Iran) condemned inmate to have his fingers amputated.
Iran's population exceeds 73 million
agency Fars, October 7
The director of the Civil State Organization said the country's population reached 73 million. He said 50 million Iranians live in cities and the remainder in rural areas ...
Eight hangings in Kerman
Agency Fars / AFP, Oct. 7
Eight sentenced to death for drug trafficking were hanged in Kerman in the south. Upon their arrest, some of these traffickers were armed and had in their possession a large quantity of drugs. The date of the hanging has not been specified.
's lawyer is optimistic Sakineh
Le Monde, 8 October
He is convinced: "Mohammadi Sakineh Ashtiani will not be stoned. It will eventually even be released." Mohammad Mostafaei, Iranian lawyer specializing in human rights, defended the young woman sentenced to stoning for adultery in 2006, by a court of Tabriz in northern Iran.
The green movement is in disarray
The World By Natalie October 8 Nougayrède
"While street protests are no longer for months, intensified political repression in Iran . Heavy prison sentences are imposed against persons arrested in 2009 when the "green movement" challenging the reelection of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad organized demonstrations. Students and lawyers in particular are targeted, while the leading figures of the opposition are under surveillance and pressures that border on house arrest.
The lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, one close to the Nobel Peace Laureate Shirin Ebadi, has begun a hunger strike in Evin prison in Tehran to protest against his detention in solitary confinement ... "
Unemployment among girls
agency Mehr, October 10
The President of the Employers' Council announces an increase in the real rate of unemployment among girls between 15-24 years who crossed 45%.
He estimated 515,000 the number of girls in unemployment this year against 318,000 last year.
Although in many countries youth unemployment is rising, but the figures for unemployed young Iranians are worrisome indeed alarming. The official said Iran has currently 9.8 million young people to fit in a post on the labor market ...
Women heads of family
agency Mehr, October 10
According Director of Social Assistance, 1,048,000 women heads of households living in Iran. A population added each year another 60,000 mothers who must meet only the needs of their children ...
against executions in Iran
BIFA, October 9
the occasion of World Day against the Death Penalty (October 10), dozens of people showed up Saturday la Bastille in Paris against executions in Iran.
Among the protesters arrested during anti-government riots of 2009, Farah was the first woman Vazehan the regime sentenced him to death.
Homeira Vazehan, his younger sister, appealed for his release.
calls to abolish the death penalty
AFP October 10
The 8th World Day against the death penalty today has led to various calls around the world to demand the abolition of capital punishment, or at least its moratorium in countries that have yet action as China, the United States or Iran.
Iran ranked second with at least 388 executions
In Paris, about 300 people, including Iranians, rallied outside the Pompidou Centre where they performed a choreographed miming executions by hanging, in response to calling the "global coalition against the death penalty" on the initiative This international day of action.
The French Minister of Foreign Affairs Bernard Kouchner, citing the case of the stoning sentence still hangs over the Iranian Sakineh Ashtiani, called on states "that maintain the death penalty in force to abolish it, and meanwhile , to establish a moratorium on executions and convictions. "
Four hangings in Zanjan
agency Fars / AFP, October 10
Four people accused of drug trafficking, a woman and three men were executed by hanging Sunday in the central prison of City Zanjan in northwestern Iran.
Neda Soltani, victim of a media mistake
AFP, October 10
"His death has destroyed my life" without Iranian history, Neda Soltani, 32, saw his life turned upside down when the media has confused with the martyrdom of the student demonstrations in Tehran in 2009.
The picture of this young woman with raven hair, a lecturer in English literature, was released worldwide after the demonstrations that followed the presidential election in Iran. It is presented as Soltan-Agha, Student killed 26 years on the streets of Tehran during a protest against the regime, and whose death filmed and broadcast live on the Internet sparked a wave of emotion and indignation in the world.
"I have a special bond with her (Agha-Soltan, ed) because his death was somehow destroyed my life, not death itself but the consequences of his death," he told AFP to the young woman who participated in France this weekend at a meeting of feminist Neither Whores nor submissive, in Dreux (center) ...
"I'm not a political activist but after being the target of such an event, I can not stay indifferent to politics and what is happening in my country, "she told AFP.
" I have a responsibility to tell the world and not only to my people what is happening, "she added.
14 political prisoners require a national truth commission
Iran Focus, October 11
Fourteen Political Prisoners Section 350 of Evin Prison have launched an appeal for the establishment of a national truth commission on the events after the election 2009 presidential election.
challenging Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who during his recent speech to the UN General Assembly had proposed an international commission to shed light on the attack of September 11, the fourteen political prisoners offer a similar initiative nationally .
"This commission, composed of credible personalities and confidence, will be responsible for reviewing the documents and facts relating to the presidential election and the complaints of fraud and illegal practices in order to shed light incident and to bring post-election justice the real perpetrators of the crisis, "according to the call of the prisoners.
A talented student was prevented from continuing his studies
Journalists Committee of Human Rights, October 11
Services Intelligence decided that Farzaneh Jalali, who arrived in sixth place nationally, to mastership examination in Iran, will not be allowed to continue his studies for his masters.
student in anthropology at the School of Social Sciences of Tehran University, Farzaneh Jalali is a student activist and member of the Association Islamic students. She was also in charge of the student publication Sobh (Morning) for one year.
Farzaneh Jalali was summoned to Revolutionary Court and the Intelligence Service after the security forces had attacked the university dormitory in the events that followed the elections.
He was banned for this militant to continue her studies even as the head of the Organization Assessment announced last month they deprive someone of course because of political activities.
Five people hanged in Isfahan
AFP, October 11
Five people convicted of drug trafficking were executed by hanging Sunday in a prison of Isfahan in central Iran, reported Monday the website of state television.
The executions took place in the main prison in the city, according to the site, which does not specify the identity of the convicted or the date of execution.
Sakineh Case: Two German journalists were arrested in Iran
Reuters / Le Monde, 12 October
The Iranian authorities announced Monday, Oct. 11, the arrest of "two foreigners entered the country as tourists "and who" have questioned the son of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, "according to the terms used by the Attorney General of Iran, Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejei was quoted by news agency ISNA.
last week, Chancellor Angela Merkel's visit to Romania, implicitly confirmed the German nationality of these two people, expressing his "great interest for the release of two nationals" arrested in Iran, but confirm their status as journalists .
Iran faces a 'volcanic explosion of AIDS "(Health Minister)
ISNA / AFP, October 12
The Iranian Minister of Health, Marzieh Vahid Dastjerdi, warned against a "volcanic explosion of AIDS" in Iran because of the increase in "risky behavior".
"Some 22,000 HIV carriers have been identified, but the actual number of HIV positive people is four times (...) that is to say around 80,000 people," said the minister.
"About 7% of patients were infected with the virus because of their immoral behavior. With increasing behaviors (sexual, Ed) dangerous, we might see in the future to a volcanic explosion of AIDS in the country " she warned.
Most infected people are drug addicts, says Dastjerdi, who said that "50% of street workers (prostitutes, Ed) are living with AIDS."
Islamic law in force in Iran forbids sexual relations outside marriage, which are punishable by sentences of flogging and imprisonment.
But the number of prostitutes has risen sharply in major cities, especially Tehran.
Similarly, sexual relations outside marriage have grown in recent years.
A man lost a hand in Mashhad
ISNA / AFP, October 12
An Iranian man convicted of robbery has been cut from one hand to Mashhad (northeast). The amputation took place in front of other prisoners.
"This man participated in two flights in the company of another man," said Attorney General of Mashhad, Mohammad Zoghi.
"It will not be the last case of amputation, there will be others in the future," he said.
"We asked the judges to focus on amputations (...) because we are responsible for protecting life and property of people," said the prosecutor.
Last July, five people were charged with theft of a hand amputated in Hamedan (northwest).
Islamic law in force in Iran provides amputation for repeated thefts. In recent years, cases of amputation have increased due to an increase in flights due to rising poverty in the country.
A student jailed banned family visit and phone call
activists Human Rights and Democracy in Iran, Oct. 14
According to reports, Shabnam Madadzadeh a Student jailed, is now banned from visits and phone calls at the behest of inspectors intelligence.
Thursday, October 14, its contacts with the outside were cut because she had supported her lawyer, she also arrested and imprisoned.
Shabnam Madadzadah conducted a hunger strike to protest against the arrest of his counsel and cons Nasrine Sotoudeh the fact that u another lawyer, Mr. Oliayi Fard, is still detained. After his hunger strike, she was taken to the intelligence of Gohardasht prison where she was interrogated and threatened for hours.
Kermani, head of the intelligence service Gohardasht and his assistant, Faraji, Madadzadeh interviewed by the abuser. They threatened to add more charges to his case and that a heavy sentence would follow by warning they transferred him to a prison in southern Iraq, to Bandar Abbas and Ahvaz.
Women "in slavery" in Iran (lawyer Sakineh)
AFP, October 14
Women are in a "state of slavery" in Iran, denounced Thursday Mohammad Mostafaei in Brussels, one of the lawyers Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani, sentenced to death by stoning for adultery and complicity in the murder of her husband.
"In Iran, unfortunately, we can say that women are in a real situation of slavery," said the lawyer, a specialist in human rights, before the Subcommittee on Human Rights of Parliament Europe.
Mr. Mostafaei who lives in exile in Norway since September, has developed a severe statement of the general situation of human rights in Iran.
"The Islamic Republic of Iran is among the greatest violators of human rights in the world with executions by stoning, executions of minors under 18 years, limb amputations," he said.
"Women, children are tortured, "he added also denouncing censorship of the media and the Internet by the Iranian authorities.
Counsel drew a parallel between the situation of human rights and the issue of Iran's nuclear program .
"If you have a country that does not respect the right of its own citizens, this means that the country does respect the right of any other country," he warned by calling the international community to stand firm against the will of Tehran develop its nuclear program.
He called for sanctions "not only political and economic" and including a "restriction of travel "abroad Iranian dignitaries.
He also said that Tehran was using its oil windfall to improve enforcement.
" In Iran, oil gives great power, the government can ignore the civil society, journalists by the power given to it by the natural riches, "he said.
" With this wealth, Iran can recruit police mobilize forces. Arguably the country's wealth is used to strengthen the activities of the police, "he said.
Mr. Mostafaei is the origin of the international mobilization to save Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani the death penalty. It was he who alerted especially in early summer, international human rights such as Amnesty and foreign journalists on the case of his client.
Four "Mourning Mothers' arrested
CSDHI, October 14
The Iranian national newspaper said that four members of the group of bereaved mothers" were arrested.
"Four members of the group bereaved mothers were arrested as they tried to travel to Germany to meet a key contact group 's (WIPO) They were arrested after their relationship with this group has been clearly established. "
The mother and sister of a former detainee arrested protester
CSDHI, October 15
The mother and sister Hessam Tarmasi, who was arrested after the protests against the election and who was detained in Evin prison for a year, were arrested after the police had raided their homes Saturday night. Hessam had Tarmasi only to be released from prison.
He was arrested during a demonstration which followed the elections. After being released he had kidney problems and liver and is hospitalized ever since.
amputation of a hand for a young person who stole chocolates
agency Fars / AFP, October 16
A man convicted of stealing chocolate and cocoa in a bakery in Tehran was sentenced to amputation of a hand. Judge Mohammad Reza
Giyuki also condemned the young age of 21 whose identity was not disclosed, at six months in prison for damaging the pastry and six months for "disobeying the police."
He was arrested May 29 in possession of the equivalent of 900 dollars in cash, three pairs of gloves, chocolate and cocoa.
Tribute to political prisoners massacred in 1988
BIFA, October 17
In a lecture this Sunday afternoon at Neuville sur Oise, the Association of Iranian Women in France paid tribute to political prisoners massacred in 1988 by the Khomeini regime. BIFA has revived in special memory Bijanyar Zahra and Fatemeh Zarei, two courageous activists victims of this crime.
An exhibition of photos of the victims was a film about organized crime that has been released ... ... ..
Two men hanged for drug trafficking
AFP, October 17
Two people convicted of drug trafficking were hanged in a prison in Ahvaz city, in south-western Iran, Fars news agency reported Sunday.
The two men were hanged in the main prison in the city, the agency said, without specifying the date of execution or the identity of the condemned.
Collapse Iran's economy
Les Echos, October 19 By Yves Bourdillon
According to a confidential report to the Supreme Leader, which Les Echos had access, the Iranian economy could " collapse by one year "because of Western sanctions if stringent measures are not taken ...
The number of students falling
Persian Letters / Radio Farda, October 19
Chief of Research and Planning Studies said that the number of male and female students in the Islamic Republic is now equal. According to Massoud
Hadian-Dehkordi, there is currently 3,790,859 students in the country of which 50.5% are men t and 49.5% women.
Previously it was reported, according to official figures, women account for 60 to 65% of university entrance.
Iranian officials have expressed concern over the increasing number of women in universities saying he represented a threat to traditional values and that it would limit the possibilities of marriage women.
In 2008, the Research Centre of the Iranian parliament expressed concern about the trend described as "alarming" and called on the government to stop ...
To stop this trend, the government has taken measures, including implementation of quotas for entry in certain fields like medicine, where women have outnumbered men.
Shadi Sadr, feminist activist, says the official number of new female students seems to suggest that efforts by the government "to remove women from the universities" have been successful ...
Another measure is to push women to study in universities in their home towns and provinces, especially in small towns.
Activists of women's rights have long protested against the movement which they believe is a continuation of state repression of women and efforts to keep them at home.
imminent execution of a Kurdish political prisoner
CSDHI, October 20
Hossein Khezri, political prisoner of 28 years at the Central Prison Orumieh (northwest), was sentenced Moharebeh or to death for "war against God" and his conviction was upheld by the authorities. This political prisoner is in straitened circumstances and his death sentence can be executed at any time.
Film "Basij"
Le Monde, 20 October
Mehran Tamadon making a documentary austere but exciting. Child of Communist activists, atheist living in France, Mehran Tamadon is the prototype of the Iranian external vomit that defenders of the Islamic regime in Tehran.
Ottawa and Paris seeking the release of an Iranian blogger
AFP, October 21
The Canadian foreign ministers, Lawrence Cannon and French, Bernard Kouchner, on Wednesday asked the Iranian authorities to release Canadian-Iranian blogger Hossein Derakhshan reportedly sentenced to 19 ½ years in prison.
One detainee slashed his hand in Yazd
NCRI, October 25
At least one prisoner of 21 years in Tehran and another in the city of Qazvin awaiting amputation of a limb ...
Journalist sentenced to one year in prison
Site Kalam / AFP, October 25
A journalist Amrabadi Mahsa, who worked for the banned newspaper Etemad Melli, was sentenced to one year in prison for writings protesters .
She was convicted of "propaganda against the system, through interviews and reports." Ms.
Amrabadi and her husband and reformist journalist Masoud Bastani, were arrested two days after the disputed presidential election of June 2009 ...
After spending three months in prison, she was released after paying bail of $ 200,000.
Her husband is currently serving a sentence of 6 years in prison.
Execution of a man for "Satanism and immoral acts"
Quds Daily / AFP, October 26
A man accused of committing acts of "satanic" and "immoral" was executed by hanging in Ahvaz in the southwest.
The man identified by his initials MS was hanged in the prison compound Karun Ahvaz.
Prison for students
CSDHI, October 28
Students University of Science and Industry in Tehran who had been arrested in rallies or demonstrations were all sentenced to 10 years in prison.
These students detained in Evin prison shortly after their arrest have been provisionally released on bail until their court summons to the revolution that was where their original sentences were imposed.
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