
deuce But you might ask, why companies do they prefer this approach?
- They do not learn from the mistakes of others. For a successful line extension, there are 9 mistakes (or to be less severe wanderings 9). This is not because we found several market they are all profitable (for a Diet Coke works, there are many more of Cherry Coke, Coke Zero, Coke Classic, etc. .)
- They see their brands as being stronger than it actually is and imagine that the attributes associated with their current product easily exported elsewhere (either within or at the outside the initial category).
- is p RIVILEGES the short-term sales at the expense of long-term profits. Initially, the curiosity of consumers ensures that test the rate of brand extension is attractive. However, in a consumer society where there is specialization, repeat purchase and long-term success is not for generalists. This is also related to the mode of remuneration of managers who need to quickly "get things done."
- are imputed fixed costs. By adding to the arsenal of products, we imagine reducing the portion of fixed costs (factories, management salaries, etc.). and improve the average production cost. That's not counting the commoditization of products but mostly average brand-mother; precisely that which creates value or wealth. Viewed differently, the line extension is a little victory against accounting to marketing.
"Viewed differently, the line extension is a little victory against accounting to marketing."
Moreover, new products bearing the mark are rarely original innovations (and often copies of what exists on the market). I could even argue that it is often responsive actions to protect the particular shelf space.
Let us be clear. I do not believe that business should not introduce new products (the opposite). I rather think that if the new product does not meet the same position as the parent brand, so the company would do better to launch a new brand (even endorse it initially). In other words, I prefer the approach that Procter & Gamble, Virgin, for example.
Plus brand is sharp, the more likely it is to be stored by the consumer. Implicitly, this means that a successful brand must occupy only one place in people's minds. This place can be associated with a benefit, an attribute, a situation, whatever, but it has to specialize in one way or another.
Plus brand is sharp, the more likely it is to be stored by the consumer. Implicitly, this means that a successful brand must occupy only one place in people's minds. This place can be associated with a benefit, an attribute, a situation, whatever, but it has to specialize in one way or another.
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