LinkedIn, the social network for business people, contains elements of information about its members (more than 90 million of them at last count). Although it is still possible to change its privacy settings, you can share or know your new relationship, your profile, your findings (at Twitter) and your status (like Facebook).

Generally, only one of the following signals is not sufficient to confirm a change in position. But let's say that the presence of more than two elements can sow justifiable doubts as to the career of your friend (s).
1 - The connection with a recruiter (headhunter). The recruiter can be recognized by its title, the company he represents, but also by its high number of contacts. To be attractive to potential customers, some recruiters even identify the exact number of relationships out of their profile (as Linkedin limit the display to the icon 500 +).
2 - The entry in relation a competitor. While it is common for an individual to connect with a friend, client or colleague, as it is rare to see someone 'links' with a competitor.
3 - establishment of a contact with several individuals of a given firm. This situation is even more explicit if one of the contacts used in the armada ... human resources. Sometimes the situation is so clear you can almost guess the composition of the committee that interviewed your friend
4 - A particular update profile. Change the position currently held or academic training are rather harmless. On the other hand, some changes to the file can no longer suspicious, especially if they relate to jobs in the past. New interests declared that do not fit with what you know your friend is also evidence to consider.
5 - Application of endorsements or references. Although some people recommend spontaneously from their contacts, my experience shows me that they are usually requested by the person who is about to change jobs. Anyway, when your friend receives three recommendations in the same week, you are entitled to become curious!
In summary, Linkedin is a great tool to network and organize your contacts. If you do not want to reveal your career plans, then you should be aware of the scope of your digital gestures.
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