Following an initial meeting took place on Friday 1 st October to IUFM Torcy on the initiative of student teachers of history and geography, English and literature, a second general meeting was held in parallel IUFM other AG occurring in different places for training of the academy of Creteil.
The General Assembly was announced at the distribution of leaflets at the entrance to the hum. Its time and place were specified in each room during the morning. The trainers agreed to release us earlier to allow the General Assembly.
We were about 75 people (Out of 130 trainees attended the IUFM). The meeting began around 11:30 and ended around 12:30. Were this teacher trainees from various disciplines, a CPE student and two stewards of the SNES.
The discussion began with the presentation of the movement initiated in the previous week. The three claims voted at the meeting were recalled and explained:
- Fewer hours of service;
- A more concrete support (everyone has a guardian, that principals no longer serve us as a means of pressuring the rectory);
- conditions tenure transparent (you must know the number of visits that trainees receive , what are the benchmarks, there is equal treatment of academies).
The objectives of the movement mobilization have been affirmed: to make up our collective challenges to the rector for the latter can no longer deny the problems faced by trainees.
was also presented a proposal for a meeting of all students of the academies of Paris, Créteil, Versailles October 20, 2010.
These proposals were then submitted to a vote:
- Fewer hours of courses for September 2011: accepted unanimously.
- Fewer hours of courses immediately: accepted.
- support more concrete: accepted unanimously.
- Terms tenure transparent: accepted unanimously.
- Meeting of all trainees to the Labour Exchange October 20: accepted unanimously
Some points were clarified:
- Emphasis was placed on the conditions of tenure. Under no circumstances should be referred to the ministerial circular: it was only advisory and not obligations. These conditions must be transparent and the same for all academies.
- The issue of cuts hours was specified: it must request the return to the situation in previous years, that is to say a return to 6-8am classes per week.
- A Steward SNES intervened. He stressed the need for more concrete support including visits to trainers in schools. We must send the department and not only to the rectory. He then outlined the various actions of the SNES assuring us of his support.
OF other proposals or claims have been advanced:
- The issue of training was discussed at length. Should we delete it, lighten it (elimination of cross training), to suspend the first year of tenure? Or should he keep it? No satisfactory answer could not be found, this issue will again be voted upon at the next AG in specifying the various claims and implications. In all cases, this training must be more focused and specific and must be the same for all academies. The situation of the former contract was also discussed.
- must we can establish our own statistics: everyone should look in its place, if there were resignations of trainees, how many there were sick. We must also know how many students have no guardian.
- The issue of media was also discussed. Many people are actually requested. We must follow a common line and especially not to fall into the sordid.
- must end with specific academic courses that have now: we need a true national coordination with the same conditions of tenure and training for all academies. Should succeed in knowing what happens in each academy.
- A trainee SCE also requested on behalf of his colleagues that the guardians are not, in their case, in the same establishment for they do not distort their view of themselves .
The shares have been proposed:
- Write an open letter quickly and letters specific to the rector, the unions of teachers, principals' unions, the media and parents associations.
- show flyers in teachers' rooms so that each institution is aware of our efforts and our demands.
- Make a procession of students Oct. 12 and add our claims to those pensions.
- Do not up the signing sheets during training days.
was applied to the vote the following proposals:
- Return the number of hours during the last year: accepted.
- Parade October 12: accepted (13 for, 10 against and a large majority of abstentions).
- Open Letter: accepted unanimously.
- Individual letters: accepted unanimously.
- Training (removal, suspension, lighter, more specific training): these questions should be revotées after precision.
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