A week after the incorporation in Torcy a collective movement of trainees Education, information has circulated in schools and on mailing lists and more and more of us become part of the movement.
Participants at the training day held at the Interdisciplinary IUFM Créteil Friday, October 8 had been warned of holding a meeting on arrival in the morning and were given a copy of the leaflet from the AGM on October 1st.
From 13:30 to 14h, fifty students were present : teachers college, general high schools, technical and professional and CPE, that is to say almost all the trainees that day.
After presenting the roots of the movement, address stagiaireimpossible@gmail.com was reminded of all those who wish to be kept informed of the actions of trainees in the academy and, more increasingly, beyond. Another important announcement concerned the organization of a large AG National trainees Wednesday, October 20 at the Labour Exchange in Paris .
After a phase of discussion on the claims that we want to reaffirm, or add nuance compared to the call of Torcy, the following resolutions were voted on and adopted by an overwhelming majority:
- AGM on 8 / 10 in Créteil reaffirms the need for a reduction in service during the internship year (6 abstentions and 3 against) a Full Time bluntly urges us to end, we suffer and hope that students do not suffer the effects.
- Quasi-unanimity on our call practical support (2 abstentions) : We need tutors present, and certainly not to be caught in the tensions between institutional players in our training. Finally
- transparent procedures and criteria for validation internship is also a very high expectation (4 abstentions) : information arrives in dribs and drabs, and sometimes contradict, the inter-academic disparities even more confusing everything.
Until then, the AG in Creteil, 8 therefore incorporates in its account all the demands expressed by 1 in Torcy. In addition, our discussions have focused much on regular training days that we follow on the days without being to achieve, and led us to add a fourth point:
- Redevelopment training sessions (2 abstentions 2 cons) : if they are not optional, and represent a working time than that released by our two hours of discharge (as any theoretical Creteil), why are they not count as a service and then paid (initial training of end of August included)? Is it reasonable that winners of competitions follow the same training as their inexperienced colleagues? Why the number and distribution of hours she differs from one discipline to another?
Finally, the initiatives so far have met with some isolated action proposals discussed last week in Torcy, and the assembly finally voted on the principle of collective trainees letters addressed to the Rector, the organizations of school principals, unions of Education and federations of parents (2 abstentions) .
Those wishing to contribute to their writing will try to achieve in the next week.
The meeting ended at 14h, in time to resume training.
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