Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pinky Toe Surgery Pic

Be original for Valentine's

Be original for Valentine's

Girls love men ... Be creative original

Returning to the definition

the Latin original.

Adjective Singular Plural Masculine
/ ɔ.ʁi.ʒi.nal / originals
/ ɔ.ʁi.ʒ / Female
/ ɔ.ʁi.ʒi.nal / original
/ ɔ.ʁi.ʒi.nal /

1. Which was not done from a model which serves as a model for copies or imitations.
* This is a copy of the original painting, the original statue.
* The title, the original document no longer exists.
* The original work has disappeared.
* The text, the original manuscript is kept in the Vatican Library.
2. (By extension) Who apparently invented, imagined with no memory of the above.
* This thought, this expression is unique.
* The subject of this piece is quite original.
* The tower is original.
* The game of this actor is original.
3. Who write, who work in a new way, not borrowed, not imitated, speaking of a person.
* is a writer, a painter, an original composer.
* He's a genius, an original mind.
4. New, special, personal, non-emulated.
* Have ideas.
* A kind original.
5. Who does not resemble other people who had something special, singular, odd. * What
original character!

originality female

1. Quality of what is original character of what is new, but similar model.
* His style has originality, a strong spicy character of originality.
2. Singularity, oddness.
* Mr. Hector discovers less originality than actual seated pride, a desire to close any contempt and disrespect. - (John Rogissart, from October, 1958)

If you are looking for an idea original gift, you can find what you are looking for.


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