Making a name is good. A name; even better!
. Though
think about, artists, sportsmen and other public figures are marked * (in fact, we all but it will be the subject of another blog). Generally, in our beautiful consumer society, we try to monetize monetize or trademarks. This monetization may take different forms, whether in the purchase of the Press for Foglia read (a mark in spite of him) or support or vote for Stephen Harper in a federal election. Although this is not always conscious of how we refer to a mark "living" says a lot about the relationship that we have with her.
Use the full name is the most common approach. She usually avoids confusion and it is always possible to add the business sector or the most recent known action of the character if your partner looks at you with question marks in their eyes. For example, if I tell you Labaume Regis and you do not replace the character, I would point out then he is the king, uh sorry ... Quebec City Mayor (nod to Louis here).
Designate by name may simply be a faster way to refer to a human mark. Cons often is a way to distance himself from the person being talked about. So when someone speaks of, rather than Charest Jean Charest, there is more chance it is not a big fan of the politician.
Just think how you talk about a friend of a loved one. You typically use the surname only. When your spouse wants you or he or she has a grievance against you, it is not uncommon to suddenly between your family name!
Use name of the person to talk is a bit of nirvana for the individual in question (or its agent, it depends). Not only does it shows a very strong brand but it also indicates a certain depth of knowledge and psychological proximity with the person.
In Quebec, some public figures have managed to be known by their first name. Celine (Dion) is probably the first (pre) name that comes to mind in this chapter. Now, everyone knows the condition and / or compliance Quebecers for this artist. Merely referring to it by Celine at the beginning of a sentence we can almost guess the nature of the rest of this comment. Indeed, this suggests that one is close to it (psychologically at least) and we love his works.
In politics, we had Mario (Dumont). The situation was such that even its competitors meant the Liberal Party in this way (especially in the early 2000s, he later became Mario Dumont Dumont but rarely all. I also think that it is a mistake have called his show but let Dumont 360). Pauline Marois's advisers have tried to recreate the same thing during the last provincial election but the name never really stuck Pauline to that which is not particularly seen as a woman close to the "people".
I spend on Vero (even better as shortcut), Ti-coat (the nickname of Rene Levesque) to bring you in 2011. Notice how the sports analysts describe the Canadiens players. On one side are PK (Subban): the new darling of the fans, the young, the exuberant rookie who offers hope for better days for the team. On the other, there Gomez (what's his name again?) A player perceived as overpaid, inconsistent and that symbolizes that people enjoy fewer professional sports.
short, to be called by his first name is a feat that is not without merit. PK fun!
* The mark is one or a set of distinctive sign which allows the consumer to distinguish the product, service or individual. The mark can be materialized by a proper name, a word, phrase, or a visual symbol. The mark provides a benchmark for the consumer and possibly a "guarantee".
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