Creating a brand is probably the most challenging marketing gesture. The market is rarely pristine and more often than not, it is especially niches that are available. Distribution, despite the emergence of the direct channel is the Internet, is already saturated. Retailers prefer their brands (private) and are usually 'out of a product to list yours. In short, the challenges are many but the resources themselves are limited.
To complicate matters, you should name this new brand. However, before submitting your first option, you must be doubly prepared and know how your reflexes clients, colleagues and bosses in respect of new names.
1. React too quickly
It is normal for your audience to search their memory to find something that looks near and far to the new name (whether relevant or not) . The saying that the nature abhors a vacuum is fully applicable here. People are struggling to desensitize the face of novelty seeking and spirit or strength of similarities.
2. Consider essentially the sound
The ease or pleasure in saying a brand name is important. That said, the launch is the meaning or the evocation of the name that predominates. In fact, worrying too much about the sound is often a strategy used by people exposed to the new name once to get a more definitive and give himself time to think!
3. Neglecting the understanding or evocation
Although not mutually exclusive, a new name trend to be more descriptive or more descriptive names (from the latter category are also likely to be judged more harshly during a first exposure). People have to bypass the classical semantics and consider the new environment or word choices.
4. Do not judge the name in its context of use
Whether in oral or visual context, it is extremely rare a name is completely separated from the product or service. However, in their evaluations, the target audiences are sometimes dishonest despite ignoring them or even by changing the universe in which the work product. In the same vein, we sometimes tend not to consider the potential marketing and communicational name and its various holdings.
5. Do not view his dressing (or logo)
Simply dress a name change visually understanding and evocation of the word or words. Thus, if a name evokes too much sweetness for example, choose a logo, typography and colors that will give it more safe or not. All that to say that it is possible to enhance or reduce certain elements of the original title (which is why I strongly recommend to a name in the form before submitting).
In the coming weeks we will also comment on some brand names and companies to realize how difficult it is for a name well-born but also aging well. Please also let me suggest names to evaluate. I then try to avoid the 5 mistakes made today!
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